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Participating in Politics (Outside of Voting)

While voting is an integral part of civic participation, it surely isn't the only way to participate. Whether you are waiting for your turn to vote or are just looking for new ways to be an engaged citizen, read below:

Contact your Senators and Representatives

Have an issue you care about? Gun control? Climate change? National security? Call your Senator and/or Representative and let them know directly.

The site provides a directory of Congresspeople by area, just put in your zip code. When you call their office, it will redirect you to a voicemail box where you can say something like the following:

"Hello, my name is [your name] and I'm your constituent from [city]. I'm concerned about [issue] and my hope is that [Senator/Representative] takes [proposed action] on this. Thank you for your time."

It doesn't need to be long winded, just short and sweet. If you're wondering whether your Congresspeople support a certain piece of legislation, we recommend visiting the site

Support a Candidate's Campaign

Campaigns, especially grassroots ones, need all the support they can get, and you can help them out even in advance of April 28th! There are many possibilities: canvassing (knocking on doors), text teams (digital canvassing), or youth alliances. Visit the "Volunteer" section of a candidate's website (which can be found on the Resource section of our page) and explore the different ways you could get involved.

Volunteer to Support an Issue You Care About

Whether it's a small volunteer event or part of a national effort, volunteering is one of the most effective ways to participate. provides a useful toolkit for starting to volunteer and gives numerous examples of organizations you can support.

In addition, some grassroots organizations and interest groups accept volunteers. Or, join Make it 100 and the Civics Center to support voter registration at high schools across the country!

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